
Monday, July 20, 2009

photo fun for simple scrapbooks

With two kids and a busy life I am very far behind on our scrapbooks but I am trying to catch up. This is a cute, simple, but creative scrapbook idea that will be fun to look back on. This is a peek into the things that they love at the moment and play with everyday.

Our littlest one loves her dollies no matter what size and her favorite book that she asks for everyday is "Go Dog Go". She knows it so well now she gathers her blankie and all of her little friends on her bed to read to them.

These are a few other things that you would step over or see being packed around by our other little girl. She loves her backpack and would put her whole room in it if it would fit. It will be filled with Fancy Nancy and Holly Hobbie books, a Hello Kitty game, her blankie, baby, dress-ups, tootsie roll pillow, and swim goggles. We always see the hoppy ball go up and down the hall at least a few times each day.

This photo idea would be fun to do for each person in your family or have your family go in on one together. If anyone has any simple ideas for scrapbooking to help ones like me stay caught up we would love you to share your thoughts. Happy scrapbooking!

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