
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

ghosts and bats for breakfast???

Fun Fall Breakfast

Get out all of your favorite cookie cutters (one of our favorite kitchen accessories). Everyone choose their favorite shape. Butter both sides of a slice of bread and cut out your shape from the middle.

Then place your bread on a griddle or frying pan and crack an egg in the middle. Add salt and pepper if desired. Cook until your egg is done. I flip mine and cook on both sides because I like a well done egg.

Enjoy your simple fall breakfast (or lunch or dinner, which we also do a lot around our house.)
We ended up with a ghost, a bat, a foot, and Winnie the Pooh. My little one laughed all morning about eating a foot for breakfast.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun idea. We love doing french toast, but I would have never thought to do the cookie cutter bit and put the egg inside! Maybe I'll have to get out my Christmas cookie cutters and try that this week!


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