
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

valentine love pillow

This is our family love pillow that we just started around the first of February this year. We wrote this little poem to explain how it works.

This is a little love pillow
And this is what you do,
A simple act of love
For someone that loves you.

Find a secret act to do
Then sneak it on their bed
They will know that they are loved
Even more that words have said.

It is now their turn to pass it on
To someone of their choice
To show the love they have for them
With service as their voice.

Sometimes we find it hard to say
Those simple little three
So show the ones you care about
You love them and they will see.

Our little girls have loved this!!! They are so excited when they see it on their pillow and I love it because it stretches LOVE and Valentine's Day out for many days.

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