
Monday, March 2, 2009

cupboard organizer

Our family has a few recipes that we use often like cookies, pancakes and breads. Instead of always having to look for these recipes, a sheet of galvenized metal mounted inside the kitchen cupboard holds them right where they are needed. I bought a 2x3 sheet of metal at Home Depot (near the heating duct supplies), and using a pair of tin snips cut it to fit inside the cupboard door frame. A spray adhesive applied to both the metal and the door hold the sheet in place. Buttons glued on magnets hold the recipes.
This idea works great in the kitchen and also in the bathroom and craft room. Another idea is to use this inside of your medicine cabinet for your child's medicine dosage. Happy organizing!

1 comment:

  1. Where have you been all my life! :) LOL I have one of these boards for my bows hanging on a wall in my room, but would have never thought to hide it inside the cabinet. I'm going to show my husband this!


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